
Our clients and partners

Our clients and partners

ECA offers its services to and establishes strategic partnerships with international, regional and local, private and public companies and institutions as well as Government entities that operate in the energy, industry, environment, infrastructure and finance sectors.

More specifically, our clients and partners can be :

  • International private consulting companies from Europe, Asia and North America for which we provide tailored expertise in technical assistance programmes, and/or in the framework of consortium agreements to respond to specific projects financed by international financial institutions, development finance institutions and donors.
  • International investors in the energy and non-energy sectors including, for example, carbon buyers, private investors, institutional investors or funds involved in cooperation agreements to support our projects in Africa and the Middle East.
  • Technology manufacturers and suppliers as well as EPC contractors for infrastructure projects that we originate, initiate or support the development and/or for which we provide strategic consultancy services, and conduct specific studies including market assessment. These also include multinational companies, large firms and corporations involved in large scale projects.
  • Government entities such as African Ministries in charge of energy, environment, industry, agriculture; Arican and European utility companies in the energy, electricity and water sectors, among others.

Among our client and partners…

Financed by

We outsourced experts and provided our expertise in projects financed by:

Our projects

Our main references

We have been involved through our in-house and outsourced experts in most of Sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East and North African (MENA) regions, as presented herewith, with international, regional and local partners, including for expertise supply in donor-funded projects, as a consortium partner or leader in Technical Assistance programmes, as well as for the provision of strategic advice, among other services.

North America South America Central America Southern Africa Oceania Northern Africa Middle East South-East Asia North-East Asia Western Europe Eastern Africa South-East Europe Central & Eastern Europe Southern Asia Central Asia Central Africa Western Africa

Northern Africa

  • Provision of contract management services to EPC contractor Sumitomo Corporation (Japan) for the construction of 450MW Gas fired CC power plant in Rades C, Tunis, financed by JICA – including strategic counselling, analysis of local context trends (political, social, economic…), transport, logistics and expertise supply services (work carried out through the Tunisian branch, ECA Services)
  • Gas ovens’ promotion and distribution project in the ceramic industry (market studies, technological promotion, financing negotiation, partnership structuring and strategic advice to international investors)
  • Evaluation of Tunisia NAMA (Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions) profile
  • CDM projects’ portfolio development
  • Analysis of CO2 emissions reduction potential from wind power plant project inNorthern Tunisia and preparation for PIN for submission to UNFCCC
  • Carbon  print    evaluation    for    CSP-‐hybrid    pilot    power    project development in Southern Tunisia, as well as assessment of supporting policy, institutional, legal and regulatory frameworks and overall investment context, on behalf of Japanese multinational companies
  • Designed the terms of reference and participated into an International Energy Agency (IEA) programme to develop energy supply strategies and options for the Government of Tunisia.
  • Assessment of the economic and political trends as well as the institutional, policy, legal and regulatory frameworks and governance issues in the energy and water sectors of Tunisia – in support to companies investigating investment opportunities
  • Assessment of the feasibility of membership of Tunisia to the Energy Charter process.
  • Programme of assistance to public policy for the management of water resources for rural and agricultural development in Tunisia (PAPS-EAU), under the EU FWC SIEA
  • Clima-Med: Acting for climate in the South Mediterranean. Mission in Tunisia related to selecting portfolio of projects for potential support from the EIB, AFD and EU
  • Assessment of the feasibility of membership of Algeria to the Energy Charter process.
  • Evaluation of carbon reduction potential for a Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs) distribution project, structuring partnerships with local and international stakeholders and identifying potential carbon buyers for the project, being considered as a CDM activity
  • CDM projects’ portfolio development including in the waste to energy and energy efficiency sectors
  • Assessment of the economic and political trends as well as the institutional, policy, legal and regulatory frameworks and governance issues in the energy and water sectors of Morocco. This is in support to Japanese companies in their assessment of the overall
  • CDM projects’ portfolio development
  • We analysed and translated the Energy Charter Protocol including the Energy Transit Protocol into Arabic with full promotion in Arab countries
  • EU Technical Assistance for the technical audit of the electricity distribution network of Nouakchott
  • Elaboration of the strategy for the use of solar energy to supply drinkable water in rural and semi-urban areas in Mauritania, financed by the African Development Bank
  • CDM projects’ portfolio development and carbon reduction potential evaluation from energy-specific project activities
  • Assessment of the economic and political trends as well as the institutional, policy, legal and regulatory frameworks and governance issues in the energy and water sectors of Morocco. This is in support to Japanese companies in their assessment of the overall framework for investment and the enabling environment for conducting business activities.
  • Assessment of the feasibility of membership of Morocco to the Energy Charter process.

Western Africa

  • EU Technical Assistance to the contracting authority for the development of a National Information System in the energy sector in Benin (SINEB)
  • Feasibility study for the construction of a refining project in Benin
  • EU Technical Assistance for the elaboration of a market Study in view of preparing partial off-take guarantees under the European Investment Plan (EIP) in Sub-Saharan Africa
    including Burkina Faso
  • EU Technical Assistance for the assessment of the energy sector including policy, legal, regulatory and institutional frameworks in relation to the power sector with a specific focus on renewable energy, energy efficiency and access to energy & identification and evaluation of current energy sector plans and projects in relation to on-grid electricity supply using renewable energy
  • EU Technical Assistance for the elaboration of a Manual of Procedures for the implementation of rural  electrification projects connected to the national grid
  • Origination and development of the Akuedo Landfill gas reduction project in Côte d’Ivoire, financed by the West African Development Bank and carbon Provision of strategic, technical and financial advisory services, structuring partnerships, negotiation with carbon buyers, and more.
  • EU Technical Assistance for the preliminary and detailed technical analysis of the ENERGOS project (Grid extension of Abidjan, San Pedro and Bouake)/ Assistance to CI-Energie in the preparation of procurement procedures
  • EU Technical Assistance to ANARE for accounting expertise in the power sector of Côte d’Ivoire
  • Elaboration of the NAMA (Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action) study for a Sustainable Charcoal Value Chain in Côte d’Ivoire, financed by UNDP
  • Provision of strategic advice to potential investors and technology suppliers, technical and economic feasibility study, and support to access local stakeholders for the development of wood waste valorisation project, with private The project has a component of wood pellet production and export to European electricity companies.
  • Design of a Solar Development Plan for the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire, in partnership with local energy private sector company
  • EU Technical Assistance for the analysis of the energy sector, with the aim to better target EU actions in the framework of the PIN (Project identification Note)/PIR (11thEDF (European Development Fund))
  • EU Technical Assistance for the elaboration of a stocktaking mission to assess market potential for renewable energy projects and funding opportunities for private sector investments in Ghana
  • Pre-feasibility study for the development of a 10MW PV power plant at Wa, Ghana –Phase A: Technical, legal and economic framework assessment
  • Origination work for various biogas extraction and flaring projects (waste to energy notably from agricultural and wood residues) for potential UK and Irish investors
  • Origination work and market potential evaluation for wood pellets’ production and export to potential European electricity buyers
  • EU Technical Assistance for the analysis of the energy sector, with the aim to better target EU actions in the framework of the PIN (Project identification Note)/PIR (11thEDF (European Development Fund))
  • EU Technical Assistance for the Mano River Union/ Mano Hydropower power project development (180 MW): Environmental, social and climate impact scoping study
  • EU Technical Assistance to improve efficiency and effectiveness of of the MLME Department of Energy (DoE) and in particular the Bureau of Electricity and Renewable Energy (BERE) including determination of legal and regulatory framework effectiveness (grid code, electricity supply act, license conditions for IPPs, etc.)
  • EU Technical Assistance for the analysis of the energy sector of Mali and specifically the renewable energy, energy efficiency and access to energy sub-sectors (SE4ALL): Policy, legal and regulatory frameworks, institutional framework, technical issues, macro- economic situation, among other subjects.
  • Study for the establishment of a national piezometric network for the reinforcement of knowledge and follow up on water resources, under EU Framework Contracts (BENEF 2013)
  • EU Technical Assistance for the Provision of necessary documents and background information for the formulation of projects for electricity supply using renewable energy sources (on-grid and off-grid)
  • EU Technical Assistance for the analysis of stakeholder and institutional setup in the power sector evaluation
  • EU Technical Assistance for the formuation of identified actions of the 11th FED including log frames, detailed project fiches,
  • EU Technical Assistance for the Scoping Mission in Nigeria aimed at analysing the market potential for Renewable Energy and private sector-led investment opportunities under EDFIMC/ElectriFI
  • Elaboration of a strategic  market  study  for  the  introduction  of  energy  efficient  air-•‐ conditioning products in Nigeria, using Japanese technology
  • Readiness for Investment in Sustainable Energy (RISE) – Country data collection –
  • EU Technical Assistance for the elaboration of a feasibility study for the construction of a hybrid (PV/Diesel) power plant in – on-grid (Co-financed by the AFD)
  • Assistance (Maitrise d’Ouvrage) for the construction of hybrid Diesel/Solar PV/Coal power plant in Agadez
  • Phase I – Policy, enabling framework, and capacity building for Green Mini-Grids (GMG) financed by the African Development Bank
  • EU Technical Assistance for developing an advanced prefeasibility study and procurement proposal for installation and long–term maintenance programme of autonomous decentralised renewable energy systems for health and school facilities in The Gambia”: Technical support in programming and preparation of projects (Activity 3) and Funding
  • EU Technical Assistance for the diagnosis, technical restructuring for the reinforcement and extension of the network of the power distribution oft he CEET (assessment of transmission and distribution networks, estimate demand, absorption capacity for renewable energy, etc.)
  • Support for the development of a renewable energy law and legislation for the promotion of power generation from renewable sources in Togo, financed by the GIZ
  • Readiness for Investment in Sustainable Energy (RISE) – Country data collection – financed by the World Bank
  • EU Technical Assistance for the Management of CEB (Communauté Electrique du Bénin)
  • Origination, provision of strategic advice and management of the CDM development process of the Carbon Emission Reduction study for Togo Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL) distribution project
  • Feasibility study for waste valorisation for compost production in cooperation with the University of Lomé, as a substitute to Government imports of expensive fertilizers

Eastern Africa

  • EU Technical Assistance to the planning of energy transition and the organization of the electricity supply contract negotiation in the framework of the project FED/2013/027-014
  • Global Climate change Alliance Plus project in Djibouti in the energy and water sector, with specific focus on energy efficiency
  • EU Technical Assistance for the identification, structuring and compilation of the recommended consolidated capacity building programme that addresses the current weaknesses and shortfalls of the DoE, EEC and other relevant government stakeholders in the Policy, Regulations, Strategy, Management, Operations and Maintenance of the existing and projected future Electrical Energy projects facilities namely on generation, transport and distribution of both Off grid and On grid systems including the Renewable Energy
  • EU Technical Assistance for the review of the existing framework for renewable energy tenders and unsolicited (negotiated) procurement processes for power projects including IPPs
  • Pre-•‐feasibility study on fuel substitution in the transport sector in Ethiopia, using biodiesel produced from Jatropha plantations, for potential Japanese investors
  • EU Technical Assistance for the provision of technical support in programming and preparation of projects, Mobilization of funds and facilitation of partnership, Industrial and technology cooperation
  • EU Technical Assistance for the elaboration of Tanzania Energy Efficiency Strategy

Central Africa

  • European Union Global Technical Assistance Facility (EU TAF Global) to the Government of Tchad for the revision of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) in the framework of the NDC Partnership of the Action Reinforcement Programme for Climate (CAEP)
  • Support to the Ministry of Energy and Hydraulic Resources’ Development (MDERH) through the preparation of the Master Plan and Investment Programme for national electrification.
  • Readiness for Investment in Sustainable Energy (RISE) – Country data collection at the legal, regulatory, institutional and policy level, in addition to technical information in the energy
  • Origination and strategic consulting work for the development of a gas flared reduction and valorisation project using pilot Japanese technology (focus is on energy efficiency
  • Strategic market study for  the  introduction  of  energy  efficient  air-•‐ conditioning products in Sub-•‐Saharan African markets using Japanese technologies

Middle East

  • Assessment of the economic and political trends as well as the institutional, policy, legal and regulatory frameworks and governance issues in the energy and water sectors of Saudi Arabia. This is in support to Japanese companies in their assessment of the overall framework for investment and the enabling environment for conducting business activities.

Southern Africa

  • EU Technical Assistance for the elaboration of investment prospectuses of 8 of the 155 ECOWAS members
  • Readiness for Investment in Sustainable Energy (RISE) – Country data collection – financed by the World Bank
  • Origination work for various biogas extraction and flaring projects
  • EU Technical Assistance for the assessment of the energy sector (SE4ALL) including policy, legal, regulatory and institutional frameworks in relation to the power sector with a specific focus on renewable energy, energy efficiency and access to energy & identification and evaluation of current energy sector plans and projects in relation to on-grid electricity
  • Algeria
  • Tunisia
  • Morocco
  • Egypt
  • Mauritania
  • Evaluation of carbon reduction potential for a Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs) distribution project in Algeria, structuring partnerships with local and international stakeholders and identifying potential carbon buyers for the project, being considered as a Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) activity.
  • Assessment of the feasibility of membership of Algeria to the Energy Charter
  • CDM projects’ portfolio development in the waste to energy, renewable energy and energy efficiency sectors and business development initiation and structuring in
  • Origination work for various biogas extraction and flaring projects in Algeria, to be developed through carbon finance.
  • Conducting strategic studies to support investment decisions by multinational Japanese companies in the energy and water sectors in Algeria (involving the assessment of the economic and political trends as well as the institutional, policy, legal and regulatory frameworks and governance issues, investment barriers, etc.).
  • Provision of contract management services to EPC contractor Sumitomo Corporation (Japan) for the construction of 450 MW gas-fired CC power plant in Rades C in Tunisia, financed by JICA - including strategic counselling, analysis of local context trends (political, social, economic…), transport, logistics and expertise supply services (work carried out through the Tunisian branch, ECA Services).
  • Gas ovens’ promotion and distribution project in the ceramic industry in Tunisia (market studies, technological promotion, financing negotiation, partnership structuring and strategic advice to international investors).
  • Evaluation of the Tunisia NAMA (Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions) profile
  • Analysis of CO2 emissions reduction potential from wind power plant project inNorthern Tunisia and preparation for PIN for submission to UNFCCC
  • Carbon  print    evaluation    for    CSP  hybrid    pilot    power    project development in Southern Tunisia, as well as assessment of supporting policy, institutional, legal and regulatory frameworks and overall investment context, on behalf of Japanese multinational companies
  • Designed the terms of reference and participated into an International Energy Agency (IEA) programme to develop energy supply strategies and options for the Government of Tunisia.
  • Assessment of the feasibility of membership of Tunisia to the Energy Charter
  • Programme of assistance to public policy for the management of water resources for rural and agricultural development in Tunisia (PAPS-EAU), under the EU FWC SIEA
  • Assessment of the feasibility of membership of Tunisia to the Energy Charter
  • CDM projects’ portfolio development in the waste to energy, renewable energy and energy efficiency sectors and business development initiation and structuring in
  • Conducting strategic studies to support investment decisions by multinational Japanese companies in the energy and water sectors in Tunisia (involving the assessment of the economic and political trends as well as the institutional, policy, legal and regulatory frameworks and governance issues, investment barriers, etc.).
  • Conducting strategic studies to support investment decisions by multinational Japanese companies in the energy and water sectors in Morocco (involving the assessment of the economic and political trends as well as the institutional, policy, legal and regulatory frameworks and governance issues, investment barriers, etc.).
  • Assessment of the feasibility of membership of Morocco to the Energy Charter
  • CDM projects’ portfolio development in the waste to energy, renewable energy and energy efficiency sectors and business development initiation and structuring in
  • Efficient gas ovens’ promotion and distribution project in the ceramic industry in
  • Analyzed and translated the Energy Charter Protocol including the Energy Transit Protocol into Arabic with full promotion in Arab countries including
  • CDM projects’ portfolio development in the waste to energy, renewable energy and energy efficiency sectors and business development initiation and structuring in
  • Technical audit of the electricity distribution network of Nouakchott, Mauritania, as part of the EU TAF SE4ALL.
  • Strategy for the utilization of solar energy for the supply of drinkable water to rural and semi-urban areas (with a climate change adaptation component) in Mauritania – financed by the African Development Bank (AfDB) for the Ministry of Hydraulics and Sanitation.
  • Benin
  • Cameroon
  • Côte d’Ivoire
  • Republic of Congo
  • Ghana
  • Guinea
  • Liberia
  • Mali
  • Niger
  • Nigeria
  • Senegal
  • Sierra Leone
  • Togo
  • The Gambia
  • Technical Assistance to the contracting authority for the development of a National Information System in the energy sector in Benin (SINEB), as part of the EU Technical Assistance Facility (TAF) in the framework of the Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) initiative.
  • Feasibility study for the construction of a refining project in Benin
  • Support for the development of a renewable energy law and legislation for the promotion of power generation from renewable sources in Benin, financed by the
  • Assessment of the energy sector in Cameroon including policy, legal, regulatory and institutional frameworks in relation to the power sector with a specific focus on renewable energy, energy efficiency and access to energy & identification and evaluation of current energy sector plans and projects in relation to on-grid electricity supply using renewable energy, as part of the EU TAF SE4ALL.
  • Elaboration of a Manual of Procedures for the implementation of rural electrification projects connected to the national grid in Cameroon, as part of the EU TAF SE4ALL.
  • Origination and development of the Akuedo Landfill gas reduction project in Côte d’Ivoire, financed by the West African Development Bank and carbon Provision of strategic, technical and financial advisory services, structuring partnerships, negotiation with carbon buyers, and more.
  • Preliminary and detailed technical analysis of the ENERGOS project in Côte d’Ivoire (Grid extension of Abidjan, San Pedro and Bouake)/ Assistance to CI-Energie in the preparation of procurement procedures, as part of the EU TAF SE4ALL.
  • Technical Assistance in the framework of the EU financed ENERGOS programme in Côte d’Ivoire: for the elaboration of a note on RE feed-in-tariffs, for the elaboration of the EE sensitization strategy, and for the elaboration of norms and indicators for electricity supply.
  • EU Technical Assistance to ANARE for accounting expertise in the power sector of Côte d’Ivoire, as part of the EU TAF SE4ALL.
  • Elaboration of the NAMA (Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action) study for a Sustainable Charcoal Value Chain in Côte d’Ivoire, financed by UNDP
  • Provision of strategic advice to potential investors and technology suppliers, technical and economic feasibility study, and support to access local stakeholders for the development of wood waste valorisation project, with private investment, in Côte d’Ivoire. The project has a component of wood pellet production and export to European electricity companies.
  • Design of a Solar Development Plan for the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire, in partnership with local energy private sector company
  • Accompanying measure/Programme to encourage reforms in the energy sector in Côte d’Ivoire, financed by the KfW (Contract BMZ 2018 70 013). ECA acting as a consortium partner and project implementer.
  • Origination work and strategic advisory services for the development of a gas flared reduction and valorisation project using pilot Japanese technology for gas liquefication (focus is on energy efficiency at 25MW x 2 power plants in Pointe Noire) in the Republic of Congo.
  • Readiness for Investment in Sustainable Energy (RISE) financed by the World Bank – Country data collection at the legal, regulatory, institutional and policy level, in addition to technical information in the energy sector in the Republic of Congo.
  • Technical assistance to the Directorate in charge of distribution of the National Electricity Company of Congo (SNE), financed by the AFD.
  • Elaboration of a stocktaking mission to assess market potential for renewable energy projects and funding opportunities for private sector investments in Ghana, as part of the EU TAF SE4ALL initiative.
  • Pre-feasibility study for the development of a 10MW PV power plant at Wa, Ghana (Phase A: Technical, legal and economic framework assessment), as part of the EU TAF SE4ALL initiative.
  • Origination work for various biogas extraction and flaring projects in Ghana (waste to energy notably from agricultural and wood residues) for potential UK and Irish
  • Origination work and market potential evaluation for wood pellets’ production in Ghana and export to potential European electricity buyers.
  • Analysis of the energy sector, with the aim to better target EU actions in the framework of the PIN (Project identification Note)/PIR (11th EDF (European Development Fund)) in Ghana
  • Mano River Union/ Mano Hydropower power project development (180 MW): Environmental, social and climate impact scoping study covering Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone, as part of the EU TAF SE4ALL initiative.
  • Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the MLME Department of Energy (DoE) and in particular the Bureau of Electricity and Renewable Energy (BERE) including determination of legal and regulatory framework effectiveness in Liberia.
  • Mano River Union/ Mano Hydropower power project development (180 MW): Environmental, social and climate impact scoping study covering Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone, as part of the EU TAF SE4ALL initiative.
  • Project for improving the electricity sector in Mali (PASEM) financed by the World Bank. Preparation of a programme aimed at reducing electricity consumption for the Central Government and its entities. A project led by ECA International.

Study for the establishment of a national piezometric network for the reinforcement of knowledge and follow up on water resources in Mali, under EU Framework Contracts (BENEF 2013).

  • Feasibility study for the hybridization of the diesel power plant in the city of Diffa, Niger, through the construction of a solar PV station.
  • Supply of expertise for the Assistance to the management of the construction works of the  hybrid solar PV/diesel/coal power plant in Agadez, Niger.
  • Elaboration of a feasibility study for the construction of a hybrid (solar PV/diesel/coal) power plant in Agadez Niger, co-financed by the AFD, as part of the EU TAF SE4ALL initiative.
  • Phase I – Policy, enabling framework, and capacity building for Green Mini-Grids (GMG) financed by the African Development Bank in
  • Readiness for Investment in Sustainable Energy (RISE) financed by the World Bank – Country data collection at the legal, regulatory, institutional and policy level, in addition to technical information in the energy sector in Niger.
  • Provision of necessary documents and background information for the formulation of projects for electricity supply using renewable energy sources (on-grid and off-grid) in Nigeria, as part of the EU TAF SE4ALL initiative.
  • Analysis of stakeholder and institutional setup in the power sector evaluation in Nigeria, as part of the EU TAF SE4ALL initiative.
  • Formulation of identified actions of the 11th FED including log frames and detailed project fiches in Nigeria, as part of the EU TAF SE4ALL initiative.
  • Elaboration of a strategic market study for the introduction of energy efficient air-conditioning products in Nigeria, using Japanese technology.
  • Origination work for various biogas extraction and flaring projects in
  • Diagnosis of the policy, legal, regulatory and institutional frameworks in relation to the power sector in Senegal, with a specific focus on renewable energy, energy efficiency and access to energy & identification and evaluation of current energy sector plans and projects in relation to on-grid electricity supply using renewable energy, as part of the EU TAF SE4ALL initiative.
  • Readiness for Investment in Sustainable Energy (RISE) financed by the World Bank – Country data collection at the legal, regulatory, institutional and policy level, in addition to technical information in the energy sector in
  • Mano River Union/ Mano Hydropower power project development (180 MW): Environmental, social and climate impact scoping study covering Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone, as part of the EU TAF SE4ALL initiative.
  • Diagnosis, technical restructuring for the reinforcement and extension of the network of the power distribution of the CEET in Togo, as part of the EU TAF SE4ALL initiative.
  • Support for the development of a renewable energy law and legislation for the promotion of power generation from renewable sources in Togo, financed by the
  • Support to the management of the CEB (Communauté Electrique du Bénin) in Togo, as part of the EU TAF SE4ALL initiative.
  • Origination, provision of strategic advice and management of the CDM development process of the Carbon Emission Reduction study for the Togo Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL) distribution project in Togo.
  • Feasibility study for waste valorisation for compost production in cooperation with the University of Lomé, in Togo, as a substitute to Government imports of expensive fertilizers
  • Readiness for Investment in Sustainable Energy (RISE) financed by the World Bank – Country data collection at the legal, regulatory, institutional and policy level, in addition to technical information in the energy sector in
  • Analysis of the renewable energy sector for rural electrification in The Gambia, a study elaborated for a private international company.
  • Eritrea
  • Ethiopia
  • Djibouti
  • Somaliland/ Puntland
  • Identification, structuring and compilation of the recommended consolidated capacity building programme that addresses the current weaknesses and shortfalls of the DoE, EEC and other relevant government stakeholders in Eritrea in the policy, regulations, strategy, management, operations and maintenance of the existing and projected future Electrical Energy projects facilities namely on generation, transport and distribution of both off-grid and on-grid systems including renewable energy technologies.
  • Review of the existing framework for renewable energy tenders and unsolicited (negotiated) procurement processes for power projects including IPPs in Ethiopia, as part of the EU TAF SE4ALL initiative.
  • Pre-feasibility study on fuel substitution in the transport sector in Ethiopia, using biodiesel produced from Jatropha plantations, for potential Japanese investors.
  • Global Climate change Alliance Plus project in Djibouti in the energy and water sector, with specific focus on energy efficiency.
  • Elaboration of the Tanzania Energy Efficiency Strategy, as part of the EU TAF SE4ALL initiative.
  • Provision of technical support in programming and preparation of projects, mobilization of funds and facilitation of partnership, industrial and technology cooperation in Somaliland/Puntland, as part of the EU TAF SE4ALL initiative.
  • Burundi
  • Tchad
  • Central African Republic
  • Equatorial Guinea
  • Planning of energy transition and the organization of the electricity supply contract negotiation in Burundi in the framework of the project FED/2013/027-014.
  • Analysis of the hydroelectric potential in Burundi, as part of the EU Global Technical Assistance Facility (GTAF) initiative.
  • Technical Assistance to the Government of Tchad for the revision of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) in the framework of the NDC Partnership of the Action Reinforcement Programme for Climate (CAEP), as part of the EU Global Technical Assistance Facility (GTAF).
  • Support to the Ministry of Energy and Hydraulic Resources’ Development (MDERH) of the Central African Republic (CAR) through the preparation of the Master Plan and Investment Programme for national electrification.
  • Elaboration of a strategic market study for the introduction of energy efficient air-conditioning products in Equatorial Guinea, using Japanese technology.
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Assessment of the economic and political trends as well as the institutional, policy, legal and regulatory frameworks and governance issues in the energy and water sectors of Saudi Arabia. This is in support to Japanese companies in their assessment of the overall framework for investment and the enabling environment for conducting business
  • Elaboration of investment prospectuses of 8 of the 155 ECOWAS members, as part of the EU TAF SE4ALL initiative.
  • Identification and definition of a portfolio of emission reduction projects and provision of other key services including strategic advice on investment opportunities, contract negotiation for the purchase and sale of Up-stream Emission Reduction (UER) units, covering several sectors in the African region.
  • Elaboration of the strategy development for industrial and technological cooperation in the RE and energy access sectors in Africa, as per of the EU TAF SE4ALL initiative.
  • Review with the pool of the electrical energy trading system of West Africa (WAPP) – diagnosis, sectoral analysis, identification of partners and definition of priority interventions.

Our team at the agricultural waste field with the University of Lomé

Our team at the agricultural waste field with the University of Lomé

Akuedo landfill site, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire

Akuedo landfill site, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire

Our CEO with Qatari partners

Our CEO with Qatari partners

Flared gas at the oil export terminal in Pointe Noire, Congo

Flared gas at the oil export terminal in Pointe Noire, Congo